Welcome to the logo design section of my portfolio, where you’ll find a comprehensive collection of logos crafted over the past several years for a wide array of industries. This selection demonstrates my ability to create distinctive and memorable logos that effectively capture the essence of each brand. From tech startups and financial institutions to
Production year: 2017 DJ Milloone is a regional music DJ playing pop and folk music on large stages. The name MILLOONE is a union of the words MILLO and ONE. Concept of his identity revolves around combination of letter M and number 1. For this purpose I created a unique monogram where I combined that
Production year: 2020 New branding project for my friends from Dubai is lit. Two A is a short term for two architects so I combined two letter As into a glitchy monogram. I also did their website and stationery design.
Production year: 2020 Njam Njam is a fast food joint in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. During 2020 I branded the store and created a series of visuals for print and online media and during COVID lockdown I adapted the visuals to reflect the current situation and display certain sanitary measures (facemask and medical gloves). The
Production year: 2018 Supporting our local businesses, so I redesigned my friends barbershop identity and gave him small yet powerful social media campaign. The Idea around identity is to create a alternative, hipster-like mood with logo, colors, and photos. Very rustic and vintage feel to every single piece of inventory and by doing so, to
Production year: 2017 Corporate visual identity for FENA Federal News Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It started with the idea of combining the negative space of letter A and turning it into a head of a ink pen. Head of a pen would in that case symbolize journalism, that is writing, as a starting point
In 2017 I created a brand identity for an event planning agency called Elek3k (Elektrik-Electric). Primary idea behind the agency was organizing large scale parties of electronic music and hosting different DJs and music produces from around the world. I thought that thunder icon would be a great symbol of the word “electric” and I
During 2019 I collaborated with Luccah Studio in New York. Basically I had an agent in NYC that sold my skills and artistry to clients there. For that reason we created a brand for that market. The visual aspect of the logo revolves around stylised head of a pencil. Pencil head is a symbol of